The interactive sessions, held in Manchester, offered partners an opportunity to explore practical concepts from the toolkits, which sim to provide an effective way to develop leadership skills in young people and support work readiness outcomes through social action projects.

The morning session of the workshop introduced leadership skill development ideas, involving several activities that appear throughout the Taking the Lead guide. It outlined The Foyer Federation’s leadership model and coaching approach, before digging into some of the youth-focused sessions and sparking insightful discussions about practical ways the concepts and practices can be embedded with young people.

The afternoon session included an Advantaged Thinking health-check before taking a whistlestop tour through the powerful Working Assets approach, detailing insights on engaging young people to establish project ideas, build work-readiness skills, and recognise the achievements of young people and the Foyer in the wider community.

Along with their Foyer Federation toolkits, participants left with lots of practical ideas and inspiration to take back to their services. Joel Lewis, Director of Network, said: “It’s great to be able to share tools with Foyer staff through a format that generates positive energy across the network.”

The Foyer Federation is registered in England and Wales under company number 2699839 at Work.Life, Core Building, 30 Brown Street, Manchester, M2 1DH. The charity is registered under charity number 1040482.
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